Why Central Vacuum

Vacuuming is one of those inescapable tasks most people associate with dragging around a heavy machine, banging on your walls and furnishings, unpleasant odors and of course noise.

Furthermore, an ordinary vacuum cleaner leaves behind almost as much dust as it picks up.  But there is an alternative…..

central vacuum system removes dust from your home for good which means you vacuum less.  The lightweight hose is so much easier and more convenient to use, stairs are a breeze and there is no more noise.

How It Works.

The central vacuum power unit is typically placed in a garage or utility room away from the main living areas.  It is connected to conveniently located vacuum inlets throughout the home via a system of PVC pipes.

The average home generally requires 2 – 3 inlets.  When the hose is plugged into the inlet, the unit starts and the dirt and debris travel through the system where it is stored in the unit until emptied, usually 2 – 3 times per year.  Systems can be installed in your home during construction, renovation or even to your existing home without mess or fuss and probably much quicker than you would imagine.


Central Vacuum System Advantages

  • Amazing cleaning performance from the high suction power

  • Improves indoor climate, great news for asthma and allergy sufferers

  • Works very quietly

  • Lightweight and easy to handle

  • A great time saver

  • Perfect for homes with stairs

  • Eliminate pet hairs and odors